First ICE Trains on the New Line Erfurt – Leipzig/Halle

After test drives under load, the first high-speed measurement drives with the ICE S take place on the Saale-Ester viaduct.

SSF Ingenieure was not only responsible for supervision during construction of the Saale-Elster viaduct, part of the transportation project German Unification VDE no. 8.2. On the 123 kilometer long newly built line between Erfurt and Leipzig/Halle and other sections of the transportation project, SSF Ingenieure participated at different design and supervision projects. Amongst them were designs of Gänsebachtal viaduct (together with Schlaich Bergermann und Partner), of Massetal and Füllbachtal viaducts, design and tendering of ballastless track in several sections, as well as construction supervision for Saubachtal and Scherkondetal viaducts. In parallel SSF was involved in a number of projects regarding the relocation and new arrangement of transport installations and engineering structures crossing the railway line.